Thursday 13 February 2014

One Thing I Have Learned from CID 2 (Chiau Ren Dao)

 After about 5 lessons of CID 2, I am proud to say that I have learned quite a few skills indeed. 
Firstly, I learned how to gather meaning and thoughts from what I see, and have understood the importance of looking beyond just what is on the surface, but instead really understand the background story behind the object/subject I am studying. I also learned to be more empathetic to the poor among our Singapore community, and learned that although Singapore is a first world country, poverty is still strife and we should do the best that we can to help those in need.
I also learnt essential skills for oral presentations in the future. Firstly, it is good to keep illustrations in the PowerPoint slides as it would make the slides more interesting and captivate the audience, ensuring that their attention is not diverted to anything else. The words in the slides should also be kept to a bare minimum so that the audience will listen more to the speaker rather than just copying down whatever is on the slides. We should also pick the colour scheme properly and try to keep a larger contrast as this will ensure that font can be seen clearly, especially from the back of the class. Most importantly, we must take into account our audience and design the slides accordingly. For example, if the presentation was for Primary School students, it would be better to have larger fonts, more cartoonish illustrations and colorful slides.
These skills that I have picked up over the course of the month is not only important for the upcoming OELP trip, but life skills that will be useful in the future. 

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