Thursday 13 February 2014

One lesson I learnt so far (Yu Zhen)

1 lesson i learnt so far is how to draw lessons and meaning from events that took place. In this case, it is the chingay parade rehearsal. I learnt that we should always observe the parade with the theme in mind and try to relate their performance, costumes, decoration, design of float and music to the theme. I also learnt to find out the response of the participants and audience. This is to make sure that the audience is able to understand the message the performers are trying to get across through their performances. This is important as it determines whether the event is a success or a failure. In addition, doing a reflection of the event is important as well.

By doing so, it will make the events more meaningful and we will be able to learn the areas for improvement and what they have done well so that if there is any chance in the future where we have to organise an event, we would know what mistakes to avoid. This will aid in our development and is certainly useful in our future. 
- Ong Yu Zhen

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